Diversity Statement
The Strier lab is committed to sustaining an inclusive environment in which diversity and equity are highly valued. As primatologists, we recognize our potential impact on communities around the world, including where our field was built on a foundation of colonialism. We condemn all forms of prejudice and discrimination, and challenge ourselves to work collaboratively to correct pervasive injustices. [19 October 2020]
Other Resources:
- College of Letters & Science, UW-Madison: Diversity Statement
- Department of Anthropology, UW-Madison: Statement on Diversity
- Department of Integrative Biology Graduate Program, UW-Madison: Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- American Association of Biological Anthropologists Statement on Race and Racism
- American Association of Biological Anthropologists Statements on Sexual and Other Harassment
Ethics Statement
We adhere to the Code of Best Practices for Field Primatology as described by the International Primatological Society and the Code of Conduct as described by the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.